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, by Evelyn Tribole Elyse Resch

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Product details
File Size: 15165 KB
Print Length: 369 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin; 3 edition (August 7, 2012)
Publication Date: August 7, 2012
Sold by: Macmillan
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#8,339 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I recently ordered this book as a prerequisite to Isabel Foxen Duke's master class. I believe that it is one of the best books that I have ever read about health and wellness. I have been dieting/bingeing/weight-cycling for over 20 years and have finally been able to release all of this and work on accepting and loving myself. Self-care is something that I haven't placed much emphasis on these days, but this book has helped me see that a large component of overall good health is taking the time to listen to my body and honor its needs. I no longer have guilt with food, though I also don't just sit around eating everything that I want. There is an amazing amount of balance when it comes to the intuitive eating practice. I can eat whatever I want, but I focus on what makes me FEEL good, whether it be physically or emotionally. I would caution those who have been dieting for over half of their existence (like me) that it might be tempting to take the guidelines in this book and turn them into rigid rules. Be patient with yourself as you go through this process. This book takes you back to the way that you were DESIGNED to eat. I have a few intuitive eaters in my life and while they are not all thin (body diversity is a real thing) they all tend to eat what they want with no real pull to it. I am experiencing this more and more with each passing day. I can let food go without a struggle and I am also learning to respect my fullness and stop eating when my body has told me that it has had enough. Intuitive eating has also been a portal through which to learn how to trust my body in other ways. I sleep when tired, drink when thirsty (and also attempt to maintain hydration before reaching the point of thirst) move with intention, or just sit with my feelings. I highly recommend this book!
My therapist suggested I look at this book. It changed my life like a magic bullet, even though I gave up believing in magic bullets that change your life in an instant. Reading just the first few chapters of this book completely melted away my compulsive overeating and obsession with sweets. I am not even joking! I have had issues with food my entire life and they've only worsened over the years. I was at the diet bottoming out described in this book. I recognized myself in so much of this book, its like it most of it was written based on my life. If you have reached the end of the dead end dieting road then this is the book you are looking for. Trying to lose weight with calorie or other restriction based diets is like slogging up a hill and (if you are more than a little overweight like me) you never reach the top. Intuitive eating takes your blinders off to reveal that you're already at the top and all you have to do is put one foot in front of the other and follow your path down to the green valley below.
This book changed my relationship with food completely. When I bought it about 6 months ago, I had just gained a few pounds after some big life stuff happened and just couldn't bring myself to diet it off. So I was binging a lot in preparation for this looming diet I eventually had to start. I'm not hugely overweight but like most women, I don't always feel great about my body and food choices.I was listening to NPR one day and heard a researcher talking about how dieting DOESN'T WORK, and in fact, it makes you wider in the long run. I thought this was interesting and did some research on similar topics- there are a lot of books out there about this idea! I thought this book was the best place to start.Fast forward to today. I don't binge anymore, hardly EVER. I feel very calm about food and my body. I'm not perfect (eating mindfully is hard) or model thin (but get serious). I did the steps in the beginning of just buying and eating the food I craved so badly and it was weird/hard. (You're already feeling fat and then you ate Oreos and chips and so much ice cream?? Yes I did, and then some.) And yes, I did gain some weight during this period, which was very hard to swallow on top of already feeling big. But you will find, if you indulge the cravings, they start to get fewer and quieter until "I'M GOING TO EAT EVERYTHING" becomes "I want 1 bowl of ice cream and I'm going to enjoy it and that's enough." It's subtle, but so powerful. When you don't call these foods "evil" anymore, they aren't so tempting. They're just food.Per the book, I haven't weighed myself since I started on this adventure. But I feel as if I at first I gained a bit, then am slowly losing now since I don't binge anymore. Like how weight gain sneaks up on you over time, weight loss should be the same way. I've focused much more on activity per the book (I started Zumba videos) which I also am not perfectly consistent at but more consistent than I have ever been before with exercise. If exercise is fun, it's so much easier to do. So whenever I get those "diet thoughts" I pop in the video and feel instantly more beautiful and strong when I'm done. No destructive fasting needed.Summary: The book is not a "quick fix" nor is it supposed to be. If you don't like your relationship with food, it will help you. Give up the idea of becoming a supermodel vegan and accept that it's okay to enjoy food for what it is and your body for what it is. Hopefully you will find this as freeing as I did.
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